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The need for foods that meet the health standards are indispensable. Every person has different
nutritional adequacy standards based on weight and height of each. So to take a decision is a very
important in determining the decisions that must be taken to choose healthy foods.The Decision making can
be influenced by several aspects, this can affect the speed of decision making by the decision maker when
decision-making must be fast and accurate. And to seek the best decision this study using AHP method
(Hierarcy Analytic Process) is a way to calculate the value of the criteria and compared with the
calculation of the likelihood of each decision taken. The objectives decision support system that is expected
to choose healthy foods can be petrified solve the problem in taking the decision to determine the criteria of
healthy food through calories, carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.
nutritional adequacy standards based on weight and height of each. So to take a decision is a very
important in determining the decisions that must be taken to choose healthy foods.The Decision making can
be influenced by several aspects, this can affect the speed of decision making by the decision maker when
decision-making must be fast and accurate. And to seek the best decision this study using AHP method
(Hierarcy Analytic Process) is a way to calculate the value of the criteria and compared with the
calculation of the likelihood of each decision taken. The objectives decision support system that is expected
to choose healthy foods can be petrified solve the problem in taking the decision to determine the criteria of
healthy food through calories, carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.
M. Misdram, “SISTEM PENDUKUNG KEPUTUSAN PEMILIHAN MAKANAN SEHAT MENGGUNAKAN METODE AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process)”, explorit, vol. 6, no. 1, Jun. 2014.