Pengaruh Hubungan Interpersonal Terhadap Citra Raga pada Pengguna Instagram Siswa MAN

  • Gita fitri handayani Program Studi IIS Konsentrasi Psikologi Pendidikan Islam Universitas Islam Negri Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
  • rika Setyanti Kusumaputri Program Studi IIS Konsentrasi Psikologi Pendidikan Islam Universitas Islam Negri Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta
Keywords: Citra raga, hubungan interpeesonal, instagram


This study aims to determine the effect of interpersonal relationships with body image on Instagram users of MAN 2 Padang students. The research method used is a quantitative method. The population in this study were 1325 students consisting of class X, XI and XII. The research sample amounted to 93 students. The sampling technique in this study used a simple random sampling technique, because the sampling of the population was carried out randomly without regard to the group strata in the study population. The results of this study found that did not have the effect of interpersonal relationships with body image on Instagram users of MAN 2 Padang students.

How to Cite
Gita fitri handayani, & Kusumaputri, rika S. (2023). Pengaruh Hubungan Interpersonal Terhadap Citra Raga pada Pengguna Instagram Siswa MAN. Jurnal Psikologi : Jurnal Ilmiah Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan, 10(1), 202-215.