Vol 10 No 1 (2023): Sketsa Bisnis
Sketsa Bisnis is a six-month scientific publication published by the faculty of social and political sciences, Yudharta Pasuruan University. with No : No ISSN Online 2460-0989 , No ISSN PRINT No : 2356-3672 .Sketsa Bisnis as a scientific study and information on business contains scientific papers, summaries of the results of research, the latest critical thinking. Editors accept writers, researchers, practitioners, and anyone interested in contributing writings and scientific works that have never been published in other print media.
Sketsa Bisnis is a scientific journal that focuses on all areas of business, which includes; entrepreneurship, marketing and finance, operations, logistics, management and human resources Business Administration is defined as the process of managing a profit or non-profit company or organization in order to maintain organizational stability and growth. Thus the Sketsa Bisnis is the basic framework in developing all aspects of the scientific knowledge-based business economy. Sketsa Bisnis has been indexed by Google Scholar, LIPI, Garuda, SINTA, Dimension Portal, etc.
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