Food safety is a matter that must be considered because it can affect health, both for children and adults. According to data from the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM), during the year 2012, the incidence of food poisoning poisoning occupied the highest position, ie 66.7%. One of the causes of food poisoning is the presence of food additives such as formalin, borax, and textile dye in food. Around the University of Yudharta Pasuruan there are so many sellers of snacks, such as; cilok, wet noodles, meatballs, snack foods, and drinks. This study aims to find snacks containing borax and formalin and to know snacks that are safe and insecure for children. The sampling was done by simple random technique with the assumption of the samples that many children interested in and suspected to contain borax and formalin, so that the samples obtained as much as 9 snack samples obtained from 7 sellers snacks. Then the samples were coded A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and I. In this study the test of borax and formalin was carried out qualitatively using a borax test kit and formalin kit test. From the results of the study showed that from 9 samples of snack foods tested, 2 positive samples containing borax are samples H and I. As for formalin test, none of the snack samples containing formalin. So it can be concluded that safe snacks consumed are samples A, B, C, D, E, F and G. The samples are declared negatively containing borax and formalin.
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