DINAMIKA PENDDIKAN TINGGI ISLAM DI PESANTREN: Studi Tentang Kiai dan Pendirian, Pelaksanaan Pengembangan Perguruan Tinggi Islam di Pesantren
This research departs from academic anxiety about the existence of views that present the spirit of the kiai in Pamekasan who have a strong desire to establish universities in Islamic boarding schools, when in fact, the establishment of existing universities is still not well managed.
This research is a field research with qualitative research type, data collection using interviews, observation and documentation which is analyzed using role theory, elite theory, top-down and bottom-up theory.
The results of the study are as follows: First, the role of the kiai in establishing a pesantren-based university is one of the efforts to meet the needs of the community with the following typology: 1) Kiai who take their own initiative in establishing higher education institutions, 2) Kiai who respond to community needs for higher education, 3) accept delegation from community organizations. Secondly, related to the role of kiai in the implementation of pesantren-based tertiary institutions, they can be categorized as follows: 1) Kiai's active involvement in the provision of human resources and supporting institutions, 2) Kiai's presence which is mainly half-invovment, 3) Kiai who tend to delegate the administration to higher education managers. Third, related to the role of kiai in the development of pesantren-based tertiary institutions, they can be classified into: 1) Kiai who are very responsive to the development of higher education, 2) Kiai who are not fully involved in the development of higher education, 3) Kiai who only receive reports because the management of higher education is left to themselves. to the authorized manager.