JKIE (Journal Knowledge Industrial Engineering)is an open access scientific journal with ISSN: 2460-0113 (Print) and ISSN: 2541-4461 (Online) Frequency publish is 3 issues each year (April, August, and December), JKIE publishes theoretical and empirical peer-reviewed articles, which contribute to advance the understanding of phenomena related with all aspects of industrial engineering and industrial management. JKIE includes contributions, but not limited to, in the following fields: Ergonomics, Green Industry, Production (Planning/Scheduling/Inventory), Logistics, Supply Chain, statistics, Quality Management, Operations Management, Operational Research, E-Business, E-Commerce, System and Management Industry. JKIE Published by  Department of Industrial Engineering, Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan, Indonesia.

Published by Department of Industrial Engineering, Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan. For more information send a message to jkie@yudharta.ac.id

Call For Paper Vol. 9 No. 1 April 2022


Dear Authors

We invite you to submit a full paper through the journal website. JKIE (Journal of Industrial Engineering Knowledge) is a scientific journal managed by the Department of Industrial Engineering, Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan with published 3 times each year, in April, August and December.


Call For Paper Vol. 8 No. 3 December 2021


JKIE (Journal of Industrial Engineering Knowledge) JKIE is a scientific journal managed by Department of Industrial Engineering, Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan with a focus on research results in the field of Engineering, Industrial Systems and Management published 3 times each year, in April, August and December. Currently JKIE has been accredited by Sinta 4 by Ministry of Research and Technology /National Agency for Research and Innovation Republic of Indonesia. 


Call For Paper Vol. 8 No. 2 August 2021


JKIE (Journal of Industrial Engineering Knowledge) JKIE is a scientific journal managed by Department of Industrial Engineering, Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan with a focus on research results in the field of Engineering, Industrial Systems and Management published 3 times each year, in April, August and December. Currently JKIE has been accredited by Sinta 4 by Ministry of Research and Technology /National Agency for Research and Innovation Republic of Indonesia. 


Vol 11 No 2 (2024): JKIE (Journal Knowledge Industrial Engineering)




SWOT Analysis on Marketing Strategy in Mutiara Swalayan Minimarket Medan
Filbert, Anita Christine Sembiring, Jufri Antoni

View: 98 Download: 107 53-58

Improving Supply Chain Management Efficiency in Fashion: AHP-Based Vendor Selection
Nur Aini Alhamda, Bambang Darmawan, Vina Dwiyanti

View: 95 Download: 92 59-70

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