(Analisis Perbandigan Penafsiran M. Quraish Shihab dan Ibnu Katsir)
Tafsir is a description or explanation of the verses of the Koran so that the meaning is easier to understand while the interpretation of the process, method, deed of interpreting; an attempt to explain the meaning of something less obvious. This study aims to analyze; 1. Explain how the interpretation of Quraish Shihab and Ibn Katsir regarding the verses on the hijab; 2. Explain how the similarities and differences of quraish Shihab and Ibn Katsir's interpretations of the verses on the hijab are; 3. Explain how M. Quraish Shihab and Ibn Katsir's foundation of the Hijab verses. The author takes the figures of M.Quraish Sihab and Ibn Katsir because the two figures have different understandings in interpreting verses about the hijab, but they agree that the hijab is a Muslim woman's clothing used to cover women's aurat. In answering these problems, a type of skin research is used. The data collection uses the library research method, the data collected is analyzed using a computational descriptive method, namely by comparing the interpretations of the mufassir. This study aims to find the similarities and differences of each mufassir both it methodology and the substance of interpretation.
The theory used in this thesis is the hermeneutic theory of Hans George Gadamer in his theory saying that in carrying out interpretation, the interpreter is not in a vacuum, the pre-understanding of the interpreter who is influenced by socio-political economic and scientific conditions is very decisive for the results of interpretation. The results showed that the interpretation carried out by M Quraish Shihab of the hijab is a custom or custom of one area and should not be forced to other regions and related to the interpretation that usually appears according to him to be the neck up, arms and part of his knees down. Meanwhile, according to ibn katsiraurat women are their whole body, although they differ in their opinions in interpreting the hijab, they agree that the hijab is one of the aurat covers of Muslim women in order to avoid the views of an ignorant person.