In the current era of globalization era , more and more Islamic financial institutions are experiencing very rapid development, especially among Muslim and non-Muslim communities. In Islamic banking, there are various kinds of financial institutions including sharia commercial banks, sharia business units, and BPRS . One of the financial institutions that we will examine is PT. Bank Syariah Daya Artha Mentari Pandaan, which is an Islamic financial institution that is Islamic in nature and is in line with its mission to mobilize funds so that it can be reached by the lower and middle classes to develop employment opportunities, organize funds so that they can grow and develop well in people's lives and state development. BPRS Daya Artha Mentari Branch Pandaan has a variety of products, especially in terms of financing (lending) and funding (funding).In carrying out a financing of PT. BPRS Daya Artha Mentari Pandaan is carried out by an Account Officer who plays a role in managing financing, namely from the beginning of the submission of funds, disbursement, supervision and settlement of financing. And in a financial institution there is usually a financing that has problems both low and heavy levels. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of Account Officer in financing management at the BPRS Daya Artha Mentari Pandaan. Data collection in this study using observation, interviews and documentation. The location of the research was carried out at PT. BPRS Daya Artha Mentari Pandaan, concluded that the role of an Account Officer in financing management is to carry out the financing process that occurs at PT. BPRS Daya Artha Mentari Pandaan starts from submission, completes financing memo, submits complete requirements (in the form of BPKB guarantee, photocopy of BPKB guarantee, copy of KK, photocopy of marriage certificate, photocopy of STNK, photocopy of SHM certificate) then survey by Account Officer , submitted to the Director, and the last is disbursement. And the Account Officer strategy to overcome the risk of problematic financing is to do rescheduling, give summons when the customer has not paid installments for 3 months, the summons will be given up to the next 3 months and make collateral withdrawals as stated in the contract.
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