• Hambali Universitas Yudharta Pasuruan
Keywords: Local Regulation, Employment, Implementation of Public Policy


Government efforts in overcoming the global economic crisis are carried out jointly with the community, especially business people, one of the main reasons for stabilizing the economy and maintaining monetary balance and avoiding the bankruptcy of most companies that have an impact on the majority of workers and ends in termination of relations work. So the role of the actors in implementing local regulations is expected to be overcome, and can realize the capability that exists so that they can run local regulations and can improve their respective roles which ultimately can create a balance between the government, companies and workers who are disadvantaged but with the high school to get good welfare company workers and the government so that they can improve performance with a work ethic, then show human resources that can encourage economic growth and development and realize advanced regions, independent work competitiveness and no more problems for implementing actors Implementation of the Perda. This study was designed with a qualitative research method that uses a case study approach to determine the role of actors in implementing Regional Regulation No. 22 of 2012 concerning the Employment Management System (Study of Industrial Relations in Pasuruan Regency. The data analysis uses interactive model data analysis developed by Miles, Huberman and Saldana, while data collection was conducted through literature studies, field observations, and indept interviews, all data were simulated in depth, comprehensively, and corrected each other in a Focus Group Discussion (FGD).


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