Author Guidelines
Articles published in Soeropati: Journal of Community Service are structured reports that represent community empowerment activities, which at least consist of Title, Abstract, Introduction, Method, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, and References. Detailed instructions for preparing articles can be found in Article Templates.
Before you submit an article, you must:
- Read publication ethics
- Understand the peer review process
- Ensure that all the criteria in this checklist are met (if one of the criteria is not met, your article will automatically be returned or rejected)
All manuscripts must use 1.5 space; 12-point font, with a page A4 size. Including the body of the manuscript, references, end-notes, tables, and figures. The Manuscripts should be written in Indonesia or American English and formatted to follow the submission guidelines of the journal.
Title (Capitalize Each Word, Calibri, size 16)
Author1* (Calibri, size12)
1Afiliasi/Institusi, Country (Calibri, size 11)
*Coresponding author:
Contains issues and focus of service, purpose of service, methods/approaches/strategies of service research, and results of community service (maximum 200 words). (Calibri, size 11 Italic font)
The authors must provide a minimum of five keywords or phrases that identify the most critical concepts in their paper. Examples of keywords could include theoretical concepts, methods used, geographical areas, or common community development themes. Keywords are separated with semicolons (;).
Introduction (Calibri, size 13)
Contains a description of the situation analysis or objective condition of the service subject (assisted community), issues and focus of service, reasons for choosing the subject of service, and expected social change or community service goals supported by qualitative and quantitative data, and supported by literature reviews (state of the art) relevant. Reference using APA 7th Style. (Calibri, size 12, Line spacing: 1.5)
Method (Calibri, size 13)
Contains a description of the community action planning process (community organizing). In this case it is explained who is the subject of the service, the place and location of the service, the involvement of the assisted subject in the community planning and organizing process, the research method or strategy used to achieve the expected goals and the stages of community service activities. The planning process and strategies/methods use flowcharts or diagrams.
Result and Discussion (Calibri, size 13)
Result and discussion contains results obtained by the author during the community service. The results of the community service submitted in advance as a whole, which continues by carrying out the process of discussion. The discussion is presented systematically from general, then leads to the specific. The presentation result of the community service can be done with the help of tables, drawings/graphs, maps/plans, and schemes.
The result and discussion of your manuscript is also interconnected with the theory as well as the novelty of your manuscript about community service. The results and discussion section should also describe the implications of this community service program for the community.
Contains a description of the conclusions of community service results in the form of theoretical reflections and recommendations.
Contains a description of the acknowledgment or gratitude to the parties (individuals or institutions) who are directly or indirectly involved in the success of the community service program activities.
Up to date and a minimum of 25 references that 80% of the references are from journals.
Format of the references for submitting the manuscript on this journal with the style of APA,which can be done in MS Word. Here is an example reference format with the style of APA Style 7th Edition. Please input your references using Mendeley Application to facilitate you as an Author. Download Mendeley Application.
Fitriani, S., & Asih, H. M. (2019). Metode full costing sebagai dasar penentuan harga produk kreasi sampah ecobrick. JISI: Jurnal Integrasi Sistem Industri, 6(1), 65–69.
Hamid, H. (2018). Manajemen Pemberdayaan Masyarakat. De La Macca.
Kővári, I., & Zimányi, K. (2010). Safety and security in the age of global tourism. Applied Studies in Agribusiness and Commerce, 4(5–6), 67–69.
Latipulhayat, A. (2015). Khazanah: Jeremy Bentham. PADJADJARAN JURNAL ILMU HUKUM (JOURNAL OF LAW), 2(2).
Mahadiansar, M., Ridwan, A., Kamariani, B. D., & Zeho, F. H. (2020). Identification of Jakarta Government Policy on Large Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) COVID 19. NeoRespublica: Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, 2(1), 84–101.
Maier, R., Angway, I., & Himawati, A. (2017). Plastik, Lingkungan, dan Ecobricks. Www.Ecobricks.Org.
Van de Klundert, A., & Anschutz, J. (1999). Integrated Sustainable Waste Management: the selection of appropriate technologies and the design of sustainable systems is not (only) a technical issue. CEDARE/IETC Inter-Regional Workshop on Technologies for Sustainable Waste Management, 1–16.