Antonym in Surah Al-Furqan (Analysis of Ali Al-khulli's Semantics of Meaning Relations)

الكلمات المتضادات في سورة الفرقان تحليل علم الدلالة للعلى الخولي عن ارتباط المعنى

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Miftahul Mufid
Devi Eka Diantika
Keywords: Antonym, Ali Al-Khulli, Surah Al- Furqan

In semantics, there are seven relations of meaning. One of them is an antonym. In this research, the researcher specializes in antonym verses in Surah Al-Furqan. In this surah, there are many antonym verses. The purpose of this research is first to understand sentences that show antonyms. Second, understand the various antonyms in surah Al-Furqan. This research method uses a qualitative-descriptive approach. They are used in analyzing semantics according to Ali Al-Khulli about the relationship of antonyms in surah Al-Furqan. The results of the research concluded, first: there are fourteen verses that show antonyms in surah Al-Furqan. Second: there are five types of antonyms in surah Al-Furqan. This research provides a new understanding of semantic theory in the context of the Qur'an, particularly concerning the theory of antonyms in identifying the meaning of antonyms in the language used by the Qur'an.

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