The Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam that must be fulfilled by Muslims for those who are able to finance and physically. The waiting list for the Hajj pilgrimage in Indonesia can now reach 20 years or more, with it awakening many Muslims who then plan the Hajj from an early age by opening a Hajj and Umrah savings account at Bank Syariah Mandiri.
This study used qualitative research with primary data sources. Customers using Mabrur Savings products at Bank Syariah Mandiri Pandaan, Customer Service, Branch Operation Supervisor, Sales Force, other employees who served in Bank Syariah Mandiri KCP Pandaan. While secondary data sources come from books and other literature. Data collection techniques are carried out in 3 ways, namely: Observation, Interview and Documentation.
This study found that Marketing Mix in Mabrur Savings products, namely 1. Product Strategy: Based on sharia principles with mudharabah muthlaqah contract, competitive profit sharing based on the ratio determined by the bank, payments can be made using the ABATANA (auto debit) system from a savings account BSM for monthly deposits, the Validation Process is very fast and can be awaited, in collaboration with KBIH (Hajj Guidance Group) which is officially registered with the Department of Religion. 2. The Price Strategy consists of: a light initial deposit of IDR 100,000. 3. Strategy Place: The strategic location of Bank Syariah Mandiri with a minimalist yet modern design. 4. Strategy Promotion: Through websites, brochures, and various advertisements, Opening outlets or stands, Door to door, Bank Syariah Mandiri has an image as a Hajj Bank.
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www. (diakses tanggal 25 Februari 2019)