History of Journal

MALIA: Jurnal Ekonomi Islam is a scientific journal published twice a year both in print and online by the Sharia Economics Study Program, Faculty of Islamic Religion, Yudharta University, Pasuruan. Published in December and June, published since 2011. Initially this journal was published only as a collection of scientific articles for the needs of reporting Lecturer Workload (BKD), without going through such a detailed process. In 2015 this journal was started to be developed by young lecturers, starting with online journal management training or the Open Journal System (OJS). The legality of E-ISSN 2549-2578, the authors involved in this article also vary widely, 60% from outside the campus and 40% from the campus itself, this shows that the name Malia has been trusted by the author in several universities. With enthusiasm and hard work, as well as scientific limitations related to the OJS system, one by one the journals that have been published in print media, began to be published online.