Pengaruh Sharia Compliance Terhadap Customer Satisfaction dan Dampaknya pada Intention To Revisit
Indonesia as the largest Muslim country certainly has the opportunity to control world halal tourism. Through the Ministry of Tourism, Indonesia develops halal tourism by developing infrastructure including sharia hotels (Ministry of Tourism, 2015). This study aims to 1) analyze the effect of shariah compliance on customer satisfaction. Analyze the effect of shariah compliance. The type of research used in this research is associative research with surveys. The method of data collection by accidental sampling. The population and sample in this study were visitors to sharia hotels in Malang City. Number of samples The data analysis method used is PLS. This study uses TKT 3. The mandatory output in this research is in the form of scientific articles (JOURNAL) which will be published in the MALIA journal (SINTA National Accredited Journal).
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