Journal history

Agromix was founded in 2010 led by Wenny Mamilianty until 2017 then replaced by Mr. Muh. Aniar Hari Swasono was appointed as editor in chief to replace the previous leader. Agromix's role is as a medium to disseminate research results, community service programs, and faculty programs. Agromix is intended to publish scientific articles written by Lecturers, Students, alumni, and other institutions in agriculture.

Agromix is published twice each year, in March and September. Agromix has owned p-ISSN since 2010 and then submitted E-ISSN in 2017.

Agromix migrated the website from (blog version) to (OJS Version) in 2017

Accreditation History

Agromix was accredited in August 2019 with SK number: 23/E/KPT/2019

Template History

2010: Click Here; 2017: Click Here; 2019: Click Here