Improvement Of Production Quality With Improved Scheduling Of PT Jaya Baru Mandiri With Hodgson Algorithm Method
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Jaya Baru Mandiri company is a manufacturing company engaged in the manufacture of machinery spare parts. One of the spare parts products that are often made is mainshaft, for the purposes of palm oil mills. In the process of making mainshaft, there is still often a delay (lateness). So that in this study, it was done to improve the scheduling of the production process in order to deliver the product to consumers in a timely manner. To clarify the production process, the method that will be used in this study is hodgson algorithm method, shortest processing time (SPT). Hodgson's algorithmic method serves to minimize the number of tardy jobs in the scheduling of production machines. The purpose of hodgson's algorithm scheduling is to improve the efficiency of scheduling the ideal production process as well as minimize unnecessary waste of time with the improvements recommended in this study. It is expected that the production process of PT. Jaya Baru Mandiri can improve its production process effectively and efficiently.
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