Login or Register to make a submission.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines


Mu'allim journal is a peer-reviewed national journal published twice a year by Yudharta Pasuruan University since 2019. The languages used in this journal since 2019 are English and Indonesian. This journal works with. This journal publishes articles on Islamic Religious Education covering Islamic Religious Education, Arabic Language Education, Sharia Economics, Qur'anic Science and Tafsir and is published twice a year (January-July).


Each article delivered independently was reviewed by at least two peer reviewers (Double-blind). Decisions for publication, amendments or rejections are based on their reports/recommendations. If two or more reviewers consider articles that are not suitable for publication in this journal, a statement describing the basis of the decision will be sent to the author within three months of the date of submission.

1. General Author Guidelines

All manuscripts can be submitted to the Editorial Office by Online Submission, where the author registers as an Author.

2. Script Template

The manuscript must be prepared according to the following author's guidelines in the MS Word manuscript template. The template manuscript can be downloaded at the following link:  MANUSCRIPT TEMPLATE

3. Reviewing Manuscripts

Submissions submitted will be reviewed by reviewers. The manuscript will be evaluated based on compliance with the focus and scope “Jurnal Mu’allim”. Decisions for publication, amendments or rejection are based on their reports/recommendations. If two or more reviewers consider the text unsuitable for publication in this journal, a statement explaining the basis of the decision will be sent to the author within three months from the date of submission.

4. Revised Manuscript

Manuscripts sent back to the author for revision must be returned to the editor without sweepstakes. Revised manuscripts can be sent to the office editorial through the Online Submission Interface. Manuscripts revised for more than one month will be considered as new submissions.

5. Guidelines for Online Submissions

The author must first register as an Author through the following address:   https://jurnal.yudharta.ac.id/v2/index.php/muallim/user/register

Authors must fill out the form in as much detail as possible wherever asterisks must be entered. After all the text boxes are filled, the author clicks on the "Register" button to continue registration. Therefore, the author brings to the online author submission interface where the Author must click on "   New Submission   ". In the Start New Submission section, click "   Click Here ': to go to the first step of the five-step submission process   ". The following are the five steps in the online shipping process:

  • Step 1 - Starting Submission: the writer must checkmark the shipping checklist. In "Comments for Editor", an author can type the paper's basic findings and their significance to the Editor. Then, click "save and continue".
  • Step 2 - Uploading the Submission: To upload the manuscript to this journal, click Browse on the Upload file submission item and select the manuscript document file (.doc / .docx) to send, then click the "Upload" button until the file has been uploaded.
  • Step 3 - Entering Metadata Submission: In this step, the author's metadata details must be included including those marked by the appropriate author. After that, the title of the manuscript and abstract must be uploaded by copying the text and pasting in the text box including keywords.
  • Step 4 - Uploading Additional Files: The author can skip this step.
  • Step 5 - Confirm Delivery: The author must examine the manuscript document uploaded at this step. To submit the manuscript to the Food Technology journal, click the Finish Submit button after the document is correct. The appropriate author or primary contact will receive an email notification and will be able to see the progress of the submission through the editorial process by logging on to the journal web site. 

After this submission, the author who sent the manuscript will get a confirmation email about the submission. Therefore, Authors can track their delivery status at any time by logging into the online shipping interface. Delivery tracking includes the status of the manuscript review and editorial process.

6. Guidelines for Manuscript Formation

Structure of the Manuscript

A. Introduction.

(Arial font, 12 point size, 1.5 spacing, bold).

 The introduction includes the background of a problem and the urgency of the research, research objectives and problem-solving plans, review of relevant literature and or hypothesis development, with quotations using the  turabian style footnote model. (Arial font size is 12 points, spaced 1, regular)

B. Study  Theoretical

Contains theories relevant to research. Present theoretical studies with Book Antiqua size 12pt. 

Sub-Chapter Theory (optional) Contains theories relevant to the research. Present theoretical studies with Book Antiqua size 12pt.

C. Method / Method.

Research methods include the type of research, research design, scope or object, time and place of research, data collection techniques, and analysis techniques.

D. Results and Discussion.

This section presents the research results and can be supplemented with tables, graphs (pictures), and/or charts. The discussion section describes the results of data processing, interprets the findings logically, relates them to relevant reference sources.

The discussion usually begins with a statement of findings (not repeated if results and discussion are combined). For example: from the results of research/testing hypotheses that have been carried out, it was found. The results and discussion include: (1) (What/How) has the data presented been processed (not raw data), can be explained in the form of tables or pictures, and is given easy-to-understand information? What are the findings? (2) (Why) in the discussion section there is a relationship between the results obtained with the basic concepts and/or hypotheses? The scientific aspect is here. (3) (What else) is there any agreement or contradiction with the results of other people's research? (4) is it also advisable to write about the implications of the results of theoretical and applied research?

E. Conclusion.

The conclusion contains a brief summary of the research results and discussion. Conclusions include: 1) Conclusions must answer the research objectives or hypotheses. 2) The conclusion must describe the innovation or refinement of existing knowledge. 3) Conclusions should be written briefly and clearly. It usually contains one conclusion paragraph and/or one practical implications or application paragraph (if any). 4) Do not repeat the abstract, 5) Do not use numbering, if you have to be in paragraph form.

F. Bibliography.

Bibliography includes:

  • References/citings of the main literature read.
  • If possible, the ratio between the number of primary reference sources and the number of secondary reference sources should be more than 80%.
  • Primary reference sources include: articles in scientific journals, articles in research books, historical sites, artifacts, and others that are original works.
  • References must be scientific publications of the last 10 years (unless unavoidable in certain disciplines). Manuscripts and citations referenced in this script are recommended using the Mendeley and Zotero reference manager applications. It is also recommended to refer to articles that have been published in the Mu'allim Journal: Scientific Journal of Islamic Education.



As part of the submission process, authors are required to check their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions can be returned to authors who do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • Submissions have not been published before, nor have other journals taken into consideration (or an explanation has been provided in the Comments for Editor)
  • Sending files in the * .doc / * .docx document file format
  • If available, a URL for reference is provided.
  • The text complements “Turabian Style”.