Nilai-Nilai Pendidikan Karakter dalam Hadis Riwayat Imam Al-Darimi

Main Article Content

Roosa Maisyaroh
Andris Nurita
Keywords: Character Education, The Book of Sunan, Imam al-Dārimī.

This journal aims to analyze the values of character education in the hadith
narrated by Imam al-Dārimī in his Sunan book. By using hadith sharia theory
which aims to understand further the context of the hadith being studied, as well
as the values contained in the hadith. It is hoped that the findings of this journal
will provide a deeper understanding of the hadiths narrated by Imam al-Dārimī as
well as moral values that can be applied in everyday life. This aims to understand
the dynamics of practice and the meaning of character education itself, so that it
can provide comprehensive insight and implications in the practice of
implementing it. Meanwhile, the research method in this journal uses qualitative
research methods, which are sourced from the main literature, the Sunan book
by Imam al-Dārimī as data collection. The results of this research include three
main aspects of character education values from the hadith narrated by Imam al
Dārimī. First, the biography of the author of the book, namely Imam al-Dārimī.
Second, this research identifies character education from a hadith perspective
narrated by Imam al-Dārimī. Third, this research reveals the hadith analysis of
the values of character education in the hadith narrated by Imam al-Dārimī.

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Maisyaroh, R., Muhid, & Andris Nurita. (2024). Nilai-Nilai Pendidikan Karakter dalam Hadis Riwayat Imam Al-Darimi. Jurnal Mu’allim, 6(2), 348-361.