Behavioral Change and Socio-Economic Impact from Charcoal Producers to Eco-Friendly Coffee Farmers in Jatiarjo Village, Prigen, Pasuruan, Indonesia
Introduction: The shift from traditional charcoal production to sustainable coffee farming in Jatiarjo Village, Prigen, Pasuruan, Indonesia, marks a pivotal transformation aimed at enhancing both environmental sustainability and socio-economic benefits for the local community. This study investigates the behavioral changes and socio-economic impacts associated with this transition, emphasizing the integration of eco-friendly agricultural practices.
Methods: Using a mixed-methods approach, the study combines quantitative data from local economic reports and qualitative insights from interviews with coffee farmers and local stakeholders. An IFAS and EFAS analysis was conducted to evaluate the internal strengths and weaknesses, as well as external opportunities and threats, shaping the transition
Results: The results indicated significant internal strengths in Jatiarjo Village, including robust natural resources and deep-rooted coffee cultivation knowledge. Externally, the global demand for sustainable coffee and supportive local policies emerged as key opportunities. However, challenges such as climate change and market volatility also posed threats. Overall, the village's strategic position in Quadrant IA highlights its strong potential for growth and resilience
Conclusion: atiarjo Village's transition from charcoal production to eco-friendly coffee farming serves as a successful model of rural transformation. By capitalizing on internal strengths and external opportunities, the village has enhanced its socio-economic standing and environmental sustainability. The study underscores the importance of community engagement and adaptive strategies in overcoming obstacles and ensuring the longevity of such transformations. This model offers valuable insights for similar rural communities worldwide aiming to shift towards sustainable agricultural practices
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