Pengaruh suhu penyimpanan terhadap kualitas hasil panen komoditas Brassicaceae
Effect of storage temperature on the quality of the harvest product of brassicaceae commodities
Postharvest handling is recommended to maintain the quality of crop commodities. Brassicaceae is the most popular commodities. The postharvest handling of the Brassicaceae is important to maintain the quality and freshness up to the hand of consumers. This research was conducted to observe the effect of storage temperature on the quality of Brassicaceaeafter seven day of storage. The water content analysis was performed using the gravimetric method, weight loss was analyzed using the weight difference percentage method, respiration rate was analyzed using the CO2 absorption method and continued with titration, Vitamin C content was analyzed using the idiometric titration method, chlorophyll and carotenoids were analyzed using spectroscopy methods using DMSO reagent.Storage of Brassicaceaein the freezer can maintain freshness and good product quality based on low carotenoid content, respiration rate and tissue weight loss value.
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